This is a happy day. This is the first day in many that Dad called me. He wished me a belated birthday and stated both him and mom forgot, however, mom has fluid on her lungs and they are trying to determine what to do and she was not able to call. So although a happy day that dad made a call, not so happy that mom is again under the weather.
He is excited that I am coming home. There's the positive needed at this time. Stated he doesn't feel too bad, considering. They took his blood today but no results back until tomorrow morning. So is not sure if he needs another blood transfusion or not. Stated he has a lump where they put the needle in to do the bone marrow test. He did inform the nurses at the cancer clinic about it today and they said if he comes in tomorrow they will look at it. His foot is still sore, but is going to his doctor to have him refer him to a foot doctor. This is all good news for me.
He also stated that when I get there that we need to look at other places for him. I am glad he realizes he needs more help. He has such a concern about the possibility of not being able to take his car. I realize that this would mean a big loss of his independence, but I am willing to sacrafice that for my dad having someone around a bit more to look after him and his needs. That is what is important.
Maybe the CPAS Coordinator's visit helped somewhat yesterday when she talked with him. I do not know. What I do know is the whole system still stinks. But for now, I will take another day of my daddy sounding happy inside.
Today will shall flourish, as tomorrow we may not.
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